1995 Growth-stresses related problems in using Chestnut wood from coppices. Proceedings of “International Conference on Progress in Forest Products Research”, September 19-22, 1995 Göttingen, Germany: 43-46. Ed. Institut fuer Forstbenutzung, Goettingen (D). (Coautori J. Gril, B. Thibaut, N. Macchioni, M. Pividori).

Fortea Srl > Pubblicazioni > 1995 Growth-stresses related problems in using Chestnut wood from coppices. Proceedings of “International Conference on Progress in Forest Products Research”, September 19-22, 1995 Göttingen, Germany: 43-46. Ed. Institut fuer Forstbenutzung, Goettingen (D). (Coautori J. Gril, B. Thibaut, N. Macchioni, M. Pividori).